Monday, March 30, 2009

Motivate Me!!

So I think I have started about 3 different blogs and 3 different sites. One on weight loss, one on fitness and the other I can't recall. Am I dieting or working out? Nope. Would I like to? Maybe. What it comes down to is that I am just plain lazy.
It makes me laugh that I have decided to blog about our lives since it is just one more reason for me to get on the computer while the kids are occupied instead of cleaning or working out or making the world a better place. I have great intentions and high hopes for how I want my home to look, what I want my fitness level to be and how I want to help those less fortunate than myself. But still, I sit at the computer not putting any of these things into practice. So my question to you is: What motivates you?? I rationalize my laziness by saying I would rather spend time with the boys and my husband than have a clean house or be fit. In the grand scheme of life those things don't really matter. But they do. I am embarrassed by my messy house and the dog hair on my furniture when people 'pop in' to say 'Hi'. Besides that fact that I have plenty of down time that could be spent better. I want to stay fit for my kids so I can teach them to be active and play outside and not sit in front of the television or the computer. I want to lead by example. And I realize often times my words do not match my actions.
I have come to think I am a much better person on the inside than the outside. I have good intentions but not a lot of follow through. Although this seems to be just be fuel for the fire, I am hoping that blogging will actually help me get motivated and those who see this will support me in becoming a better person on the outside too.
I am still debating on whether or not to share this site with my family and friends. Sometimes I struggle with sharing my true feelings and desires with those closest to me. I just live the status quo, probably becuase I know I am not likely to follow through with my desires and who wants to look like a failure?