Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Same Old, Same Old

I thought about not writing anything today because nothing has changed. I didn't become motivated overnight. My house is still a disaster, I ate a million things I shouldn't have and time still goes by. Ha! I had it in my head that I would get off work early tonight ( I work 2 pm to midnight) and come home and clean and organize while everyone else is sleeping since I am so convinced it is impossible to do when they are awake. But still here I sit with my tea and a couple scones daydreaming on the computer.
Why is it so easy to sit at work and make list after list of dinner menus, grocery lists, projects to tackle and feel so motivated? Yet when I get home I rarely refer to my dinner plans, food goes bad sitting in the fridge not being prepared, and projects never get started or fizzle out halfway through.
How do people do it. I thought making lists and envisioning what needs to be done would help, but it hasn't. Sometimes I feel that maybe I am just too overwhelmed with all the things I want to do that I can't focus on a single project. Could I have cleaning ADD? I start on one room and before it is done I am on to the next. Leaving my house some what tidy but never ever clean. When I try to take it one room at a time I get frustrated that by the time I am working on the 2nd room the first is already a mess again.
My husband is convinced it is just because we have too much stuff. That getting rid of things will make our house clean. I agree to a point, but he wants to get rid of everything. 'Huge serving dishes? China? Who needs these things we only use them 3-4 times a year?' He'll never understand.
So for now I am going to bed. There are dishes in the sink, toys on the living room floor and piles of folded laundry on the couch. And once again they will wait for tomorrow (or next week)
Later this week I will try to get motivated so I can stop griping about my house and actually blog about the family as this was meant to be. :)